I once belonged to a church that routinely allowed a church
elder to deliver the message. In almost every sermon this particular individual
would proclaim, “I’m not a theologian”. I can only guess that this was his
attempt at humility.
To hear a Christian say, “I’m not a theologian” bothered me
greatly. It still does because my first response is always, “Why not?”
What the church elder thought he was saying was that he was
no expert on the subject of God. Unfortunately his self-assessment was spot on.
But again I ask, “Why not?”
The word “Theology” is a compound word. “Theo” is Greek for,
“God”. “Logia” is Greek for “the study
of”. A theologian isn’t designating an expert on God. A theologian is someone
who studies God. It’s a verb, not necessarily a noun. After all, isn’t that
what a Christian is supposed to do? Isn’t that what the Bible is for, to study?
Theology is a process, a never ending, ongoing process. And
no, the study of God isn’t restricted to just reading the Bible or books of
exegesis. That’s obviously a big part of it and hopefully a major part of our
learning experience. Scripture is pure undefiled truth. It should always be THE
source and our one point of reference.
Unfortunately, most people get all of their theological knowledge
from their preacher. This is never good for it creates followers and adherents of
the preacher and not God and His word. How do you know if the preacher is
preaching truth if you do not know the truth yourself?
The Bible is very clear. We are to “prove all things” (1
Thessalonians 5:21). It gives us examples of the congregants checking
scriptures to see what the minister preached was true (Acts 17:11).
But too many folks think of a theologian as a title,
position or rank; something that has been obtained; an academic or degreed
expert. Obviously there are numerous and varied degrees in theology you can get
and a degreed person in theology is usually called a theologian.
But a true theologian is simply someone who studies God.
They are observe, worship, listen to sermons, have fellowship, witness as well
as crack open the Bible and learn.
So I ask all Christians to be a theologian, to daily study
and learn of God and His word. I ask you to take to heart Acts 17:11 and check
what was preached and taught to see if it is so. I ask you in your studies to
omit prior notions and any assumptions and open your mind, will and heart to the
word. I also ask that you proclaim your study and your love of God and to share
this experience with others.
Bill Hitchcock
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