The Fear and Hate of Liberalism
Fear and hate. These are the only two things a liberal understands
as to why someone does not think and act like them. Fear and hate are the only
two motivators of a liberal. Ever see a, “We love so much that we want to help Trump”
rally? Ever see Antifa or BLM holding signs that say, “Love Thy Neighbor” or out
helping, repairing or building anything??
Have you ever seen Maxine Waters make a speech calling for, “every
soul be subject unto the higher powers”? (Romans 13:1)
The only thing a liberal loves is itself, which by the way, is
characteristic of the devil himself.
“For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for
sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good
to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.” Luke 6:32-33).
Loving self and hating others is the epitome of sin and the
characteristic of a sinner. That’s liberalism.
A liberal fears and hates diversity. They love uniformity
and conformity to their beliefs and standards. This by definition is bigotry,
racism and generates countless what is known today as, “phobias”.
This desire for conformity is on full display in their push
for socialism and communism. There is no diversity under these regimes, in fact
diversity and independent thought are punished.
Fear and hate are easy. They are at the very core of carnal
man. Fear and hate do not accept, they do not attempt to understand. Fear and
hate steal, kill, and destroy everything in its path.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness defines the freedom
and latitude made available to an individual within a civil and functioning
society. America has never been about conformity. It has always been about
individualism within the parameters of a functioning society. All societies
have boundaries which define who the people are and defines the liberty that they
have. Our society is designed to propel the individual forward through
opportunity and to safeguard that effort from unwelcome influences of private,
public, domestic and foreign powers.
With liberalism, wealth is demonized. But I have a question
for you. How can you give if you don’t have it yourself? The liberal answer is the
government will give it. But where does the government get its money? Under
liberalism the wealthy are evil and to be hated so therefore it is justified to
overly tax them. In short the wealthy fund liberalism. But this doesn’t make
sense. Why not just remove liberalism? Because it’s about power. The power of
liberalism is the control of someone else’s money. Liberals control money through
taxation. Once the money is in government (liberal) coffers, they then
determine where that money goes.
The power of liberalism is the control of someone else’s
money and spending it on liberal causes and not spending it where it could
possibly advance some other cause. A good example of this is happening in Europe
right now. Entire governments are divesting public funds from fossil fuel
companies under the guise of fighting the “Climate Crisis”. Pension funds are
being diverted not for the benefit of the pensioner, but rather to advance a liberal
Liberalism, socialism, and communism destroy liberty,
individualism and opportunity. These regimes destroy the individual.
Liberalism, socialism, and communism must be the ultimate
power for adherents to follow. There is no God but government. Liberalism,
socialism, and communism must rule with an iron fist and subdue the will of their
The power of liberalism, socialism, and communism are fear
and hate.
Liberalism, socialism, and communism come to power and
maintain that power by stealing, killing, and destroying everything in its
Man does not naturally gravitate towards anything
oppressive. Oppressive governments always come into existence by force and stay
in power by force. Man does gravitate towards security. Security is the favorite
bait used by liberals to lure people into their control.
Jesus said the great commandment was to establish that there
was only one God, to love that God and to love our neighbor as our self. With liberalism,
socialism, and communism there is no God but government. It is government we
should love, even above self and others.
Liberalism, socialism, and communism are fear, hate and sin
Bill Hitchcock
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