Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Left, Income Inequality and Socialism

Income inequality is defined as, “…the extent to which income is distributed in an uneven manner among a population” H/T Inequality.org.

Investopedia defines it as, “Income inequality is the unequal distribution of household or individual income across the various participants in an economy.”

Obama called income inequality "the defining issue of our time" in his State of the Union address in 2012.

Income inequality is nothing more than folks earning different salaries. That’s it! This should be expected due to the simple fact that we all have different jobs and professions, have different training and experience levels, as well as different capabilities, talents, drive and ambitions.

Income inequality is NOT a reference to people with the same job, credentials, training and experience but for some reason are paid different salaries.

So, why do you think the left is so offended by something so obvious and natural as different incomes for different jobs and experience levels? Do they really think a burger flipper should be paid the same as a physician? And what do you suppose is the left’s answer to this “problem”?

It’s simple. The left is trying to convince you that socialism is the answer to income inequality.
The left’s supposed offense to income inequality is a tactic to generate envy and anger within the populace. It’s an attempt to rebel rouse and cause folks to rise up in protest against those with higher incomes. The left wants you to believe that income inequality is rooted in inequity and iniquity.
The reality of life is that income and wealth disparities always have and always will exist. It is the result of a natural, free and open economy. Equal opportunity does not produce equal results. It never has and it never will.

The epitome of income inequality is under socialism and communism. There are only two classes of people under these regimes, an upper class of government officials and party elites and then everyone else. Instead of the top 1% determined by a free market and open society, under socialism and communism the top 1% are determined by the might of the government and its party officials.
Socialism is totalitarianism. It is a dictatorship with centralized control, with the citizens subject to complete government authority. If America became socialist it would no longer be the land of the free and home of the brave. America would become the land of the obedient and the home of the enslaved.

Why on earth would anyone want such a government?

First the left must convince the people that income inequality is morally wrong. Second they must deceive the people by saying that socialism is people controlled and not government controlled, whereas the free enterprise system is controlled by a few of the rich in the private sector. The left’s favorite target and group to demonize are the top 1% income earners.

By definition socialism, “owns and controls the means of production and distribution of goods.” This means that the government owns and controls what use to be privately owned and operated. It means the government controls the people and dictates to them. You don’t vote socialism, you are instructed and ruled by it.

Unfortunately, a lot of folks just hear the proposed benefit of socialism. They hear that under socialism they get free college, free health care and a guaranteed income. Here’s the problem. Most folks think these benefits are value added to the current free enterprise system. It isn’t. Under socialism our current way is done away with. Choice and free will are supplanted by government mandates and law.

Quality of service and product are greatly diminished under socialism due to government inefficiency and lack of competition in the market place. As a result, you have no option or recourse when the product or service is subpar. You’re stuck.

What no one seems to think about is where the money come from to pay for all of the free stuff the left is promising socialism has to offer. The left has convinced many, particularly the 30 and under age group, that it is morally, ethically and legally permissible to overly tax the more affluent simply on the grounds that they have more money. The left demonizes the higher income brackets to justify their actions.

In the free enterprise system, the market place determines salaries. Under socialism, the government does. In the free enterprise system, the market place determines price and quality of goods and services. The market place also guarantees satisfaction with those goods and services. Under socialism you are stuck with what you get, when you get it.

Income inequality in the free enterprise open market system is a big Duh-Huh! Of course different professions get paid differently. Of course different qualifications get different salaries.
But the left is trying to convince you that income inequality is bad, based in deception and caused by evil rich people. Their answer is to level the playing field through socialism and make everyone broke and dependent on the government. 

That’s the bottom line to socialism. It is the left’s attempt to gain power and control of the US, you, and me.

Bill Hitchcock

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