Saturday, July 28, 2018

Salvation Goes To The Obedient

“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him” (Hebrews 5:8-9).

Two things. 1. Jesus “learned” obedience. 2. He learn it through suffering.

“Obedience” above is rooted in a Greek word meaning “listen to” and “to heed”. Notice that there are two parts to obedience. You hear (comprehend) and you heed (submit).

Jesus had to suffer before He could first hear and then submit to God. This may sound strange to some, sacrilegious or even heretical to others. But Jesus had to have the human experience, as a human. He had to be affected by the world so as to defeat the pain, suffering and death of sin that was in the world.

Suffering removed the blinders of sin. But seeing the truth does not automatically cause one to believe and accept the truth. Faith and adherence in truth is a decision. James teaches us in the second chapter of his book that even the devils believe in God and tremble. But they do not put their faith and obedience in God.  

Being affected by sin and suffering the consequences there of, Jesus Christ became the author of eternal salvation. But there is a qualifier and the fact that Jesus has a qualifier to be saved is something that many will deny. Yes, Jesus is the author, or the cause of salvation. But that cause only affects only, “all them that obey him”.

Too many people have the false notion that since Jesus loves everyone (and He does) and was sent to save everyone (and He was) that everyone is going to be saved. No! The message is clear, the ones who will be saved are, “all them that obey him”.

For some reason a lot of folks have a difficult time understanding that salvation is a joint effort. Jesus has already done His part. That cannot and will not change. Now it is up to us to do our part if we want to be saved.

For a clarity, the verse says that Jesus was “being made perfect”. Jesus did not have to suffer to be perfect. He is God, He is already righteous, pure, true and perfect. “Being made perfect” is reference of completion. His suffering, His crucifixion was the completion of His purpose, hence His final words at the cross of “It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” (John 19:30).

Jesus suffered so as to save us. We have to accept this and be obedient to Him if we want to be saved. Accepting Christ means we will have trouble, trials and tribulations in this world. But don’t let your heart be troubled. Jesus Christ has overcome the world and at this very moment, is preparing a place for you in heaven.

Important Note! Suffering for the sake of suffering is not holy. It is nothing more than pointless suffering. There are those, even religions that believe in self-flagellation and self-mutilation. This is an exercise in futility and is plain wrong. It places the emphasis on works and deeds as a means to salvation.

True suffering is the effect of conflict between righteousness and unrighteousness. Suffering comes from the struggle with sin. This is why Jesus had to defeat the devil on the devils battleground.

Bill Hitchcock

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