Sunday, December 31, 2017

December 30, 2018 Notes

1. People act when they feel, not necessarily when they know. But when people act when they "know", it is to either prohibit or promote a feeling, whether the feeling is physical, emotional or spiritual.

2. News is bad for you – and giving up reading it will make you happier
The Guardian
“The point is: the consumption of news is irrelevant to you. But people find it very difficult to recognise what's relevant. It's much easier to recognise what's new. The relevant versus the new is the fundamental battle of the current age. Media organisations want you to believe that news offers you some sort of a competitive advantage. Many fall for that.”

3. I’ve notice that philosophers don’t usually philosophize but rather categorize. They identify a thought and its influences and give it a proper placement under a pre-existing philosophical category. Philosophy isn’t really teaching us something new. It’s just enlightening some, with the ideas and thoughts of others, (but rarely vice-versa).

4. I was at Staples and saw stacks of paper labeled, “Multi-Purpose Paper”.
What other purpose does paper have besides being paper?

5. The “once saved, always saved” belief shifts the emphasis from faith to an act. It is the belief that in doing something, heaven is permanently guaranteed.
Faith can be gained or lost, but a deed can never be undone. Once saved, always saved is the idea that an action has saved the individual. It’s a deed done, never to be undone so therefore the individual is forever saved.
If once saved, always saved were true then no one could apostatize. The concept of apostasy would not exist or even be possible. If the act of baptism or making a verbal commitment to Jesus Christ is the act that saves, then with the once saved, always saved belief, there is no way to rescind or offend that act.
It’s not true. Apostasy does exist.

6. If once saved, always saved were true then apostasy would not, could not exist.

Bill Hitchcock

It is one thing to rebel against an oppressive authority or government. It is quite another to rebel against an authority or government because you didn’t get what you want or believe you are not required to respect and obey the laws of the land.

The British theologian Adam Clarke writes, “To be jealous of our civil rights and privileges, and most strenuously to preserve them, is highly praiseworthy; but to raise a public tumult to avoid merited chastisement, under pretense that our civil privileges are in danger, is not the part of patriots but insurgents”.

Clarke wrote about rebellion under the guise of fighting for civil rights. He didn’t call them protestors or rioters but more accurately describes them as insurgents. He pegged perfectly the problem we have here in America with those attempting to benefit by declaring infringement upon their civil rights and liberties. What is most interesting is that Adam Clarke wrote the above quote some 200 years ago. Did this theologian and Bible scholar have insights into the future? No; just insights into man and sin.

Our inalienable rights are rooted and founded in righteousness. Righteousness is sown in peace (James 3:18) and is an outgrowth of love. The backbone tenet of the Christian religion is love. “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (1 John 4:8).

People do not kill, harm or destroy what they love. A man will do anything he can to preserve and protect that which is in his heart, including offering up his own life. But “An evil man seeketh only rebellion” (Proverbs 17:11).

The foundations in which laws and government are built upon are of God, designed by God and given to man so as to be able to live civilly amongst all peoples and societies. The civil laws, principles and precepts of God are a framework in which man is able to function, live and have interpersonal relationships.

God’s moral laws are strict commands as they relate to mankind, leading with righteousness to eternity through Jesus Christ.

“The moral law, then (to begin with it), being contained under two heads, the one of which simply enjoins us to worship God with pure faith and piety, the other to embrace men with sincere affection, is the true and eternal rule of righteousness prescribed to the men of all nations and of all times, who would frame their life agreeably to the will of God. For his eternal and immutable will is, that we are all to worship him and mutually love one another.” (John Calvin).

To simplify Calvin’s description of the moral law we’ll use the words of Jesus Christ.
“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these” (Mark 12:30-31).

Laws are based on love and steered by justice, equity and righteousness. Law with love but with none of the ascribed attributes is shipwrecked. It is sin unleashed. Unguided love excuses and permits all for it feels all and cannot bear pain.

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation” (Romans 13:1-2).

There is, “No power but of God”. Everyone is to obey the laws of the land for they are of God. He is the author and strength of this power.

When we understand the origin of principalities and powers, it then becomes clear what rebellion is. It is insurgency against those powers, against the righteousness behind that power and a direct assault upon God. The true underlying cause of rebellion and civil unrest is the author of all unrest himself, the devil.

The Apostle Paul reminded Titus in his letter to inform the people of Crete to, “be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men” (Titus 3:1-2).

The above is in direct contrast in what we are seeing today.

”To speak evil of no man” comes from the Greek word, “blasphemeo” and is where we get the word blasphemed. All of our protests have blasphemers, people who accuse and slander and speak reproachfully. Some such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make a living at it.
“To be no brawlers”-We have fights, beatings, shootings, murders, fire bombings, larceny, etc. at almost every protest we see today.

“but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men” Dr. Martin Luther King understood this. Over 50 years later King is still the most effective civil rights leader. Why hasn’t anyone else assumed this role? Why are our leaders, including the President perpetuating the problem and not solving the problem? Why is violence the default position? The answer is simple. All of these protests are acts of rebellion flamed by the spirit of antichrist instigated and perpetuated by the devil.

It is important to note that God is not giving a free pass to any government to do as they please. The Bible is nothing but a fight against oppression in all its various forms, both spiritual and physical. Oppression is rooted in the devil. It is a downward force seeking first to obtain, then contain and finally control. It can manifest itself in government, religion, industry, education, any economy of people and resources! But above all oppression is an act aimed at God.

Rebellion is rooted in the devil too. It is an uprising against God. Rebellion and oppression have the same cause and the same goal; to kill, steal and destroy everything of God. The protests we are witnessing today are not about black and white, police and civilian, gay and straight, women and men, etc. although the devil uses these groups as his medium to accomplish his goal.

Also understand that the devil is not attacking evil. He is only after God and all things Godly. As Jesus pointed out, “If Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” (Matthew 12:25).

The devil is attempting to make war with all things Holy and Divine.

These are the dots that our society must connect together. The battle isn’t about racism, sexism, homophobia, money, class disparity, liberalism and conservatism etc. These things are just the vehicle in which the devil utilizes to further his ground assault. Every generation will see a different manifestation of the devil at work. But the root cause never changes. It is the work of the “great dragon” that “old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” (Revelations 12:9).

We must live life awake, aware and attentive to the world around us and realize that the devil and evil do exist and it is pushing hard against God. Evil cannot exist where there is righteousness and Godliness. Only when we depart from the Lord and His way does the devil have access to us.

“When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting. By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked (Proverbs 11:10-11).

Righteousness exalteth a nation (Proverbs 14:34). In the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death (Proverbs 12:28).

Our laws come from God, founded in love and steered by justice, equity and righteousness. The lawless are none of these things and are rooted in the devil. So what are we to do?

“Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:12-15).

Bill Hitchcock

Monday, December 18, 2017

Which Bible Version To Read And Why

How do you decide what version of the Bible to read? Is ease and comfort your determining factor? Or is authenticity and accuracy of what you are reading your goal?

To one degree or another, meaning and context will get lost in the wash with any translation and revision. So, instead of the trying to get the Bible to reach us at our level, maybe we should try to rise to the Bible’s level. We must conform to the word of God, not the other way around.

Different Bible versions translate scripture differently. How differently greatly depends upon who translated it, why and when the translation occurred. Unfortunately, some translations build upon prior translations, further augmenting the original writings. For example, the King James Version of the Bible is built upon, and in protest of, the Geneva Bible.

By the way, the Bible doesn’t know things such as gender, race, nationality or age. Avoid Bible’s like a woman’s Bible or a teenager’s Bible.

Christianity has always had the problem of people trying to conform God’s word to them, when it is we who must conform to it.

Although some Bible versions afford greater ease of reading and comprehension, we must stop and think about what it is we are reading and understanding. Ease isn’t necessarily concerned with accuracy, ease only cares about ease. Erroneous learning is dangerous.

So what should we do? In my opinion, and I stress, my opinion, the King James Version (KJV) is the best to work with, although I prefer the Geneva Bible. Why the KJV? You will find that just about all helps will be geared towards the KJV. Concordances, encyclopedias, dictionaries, study guides, expositions, commentaries, etc., all most all of them reference the KJV. The Geneva Bible was written before the KJV and in somewhat of a different English.

John Wycliffe is credited with first translating the Bible from the Latin Vulgate in the 14th century. But the English has changed so much since then that many would find it difficult if not impossible to read. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, the bulk of research materials and study guides are made for the KJV.

And what will all of these helps do? Mainly take the language back to its original Greek, Hebrew, Chaldean, Aramaic and such and not only give its original meaning but the word origins as well.
The hermeneutical approach of studying the Bible seeks to understand beyond mere word definitions, but to learn of the who, what, where, when, why and how of the message and messenger.

In short, to understand God’s word requires work and effort. But Jesus was clear, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).
As much as possible reach back to the original and authoritative scripture. Employ the many helps available to you in searching out God’s word. God will make known his message to those that seek Him out.

The purpose here is not to dispel, discredit or even discourage reading any particular Bible version. The purpose is truth and to inspire the pursuit of it. To do so, we as fallen man must rise to the task and not bring down His word through a millennium or two of interpretations and translations.

Bill Hitchcock

Your Rights, the Declaration, Constitution, Government and God.

What are your rights as an American? They are spelled out in the Declaration of Independence. You have three rights. They are, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". These rights are unalienable, which means they cannot be taken away or transferred to another. Our constitution was designed to protect and ensure those three rights. Government is designed to carry out the edicts of the Constitution.

The role of our government is NOT to create, manage and distribute entitlements. Entitlements are NOT rights they are benefits created by legislators. Any benefit offered over time becomes accepted as a right, but they are not.

Civil rights stem from natural rights. Natural rights come from God.

Bill Hitchcock

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Muslim War Over Jerusalem and US Embassy

For those who are afraid of war in Israel because President Trump has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and is moving the US Embassy there. Let me ask you one question. Who is going to start a war? Who is going to throw the first punch? Who is going to attack? The answer isn’t a country. The answer as to who the aggressor will be are the followers of Islam, Aka, Muslims.

What just war cause is evoked that would justify an attack? Answer: None! Why would Muslims attack? One reason. Because they are mad. So what? Muslims are always mad, even at each other. What do you think is the cause for all of the war and violence in the Middle East and Northern Africa? It is primarily Muslim infighting. The same war that has been going on for over 1,400 years. The war between Shia and Sunni Muslims. Let that sink in. The destruction in the Middle East is due to two warring Muslim factions with one exception and that’s when Muslims seek to eradicate Christians.

The Muslim stated goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. There is nothing positive relating to Israel that Muslims will endorse.

So, let’s put our big boy pants on because Muslims never will. Their greatest power is pitching a fit to get what they want. The US has just spent 25 years letting the tail wag the dog.

If there is blood in Israel then it will be by the Muslim hand. It doesn’t matter how mad or offended they may be over the US recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the US moving its Embassy there, it gives zero just cause for the Muslims to evoke war and attack. ZERO CAUSE!

Bill Hitchcock

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Please Explain

Please explain to me why you think big business is bad but big government is good?

Please explain to me how rising corporate profits are bad but raising government tax revenues are good?

Please explain to me why you think that a corporation is a closed door monolithic entity controlled by only a few at the top but government is not the same?

Please explain to me your belief that the government has the right to access, regulate and take possession of a private corporations profits for no other reason than the fact the corporation made a profit?

Please explain to me your belief that taxing a corporation simply because you can is for public benefit?

Please explain to me why you think government helps people with the money they tax away from a corporation but a corporation doesn’t help people with the monies they earned?

Please tell me what part you don’t understand about raising corporate taxes, making it fiscally impossible for a corporation to do business in the US and forcing them to move to another country, taking the jobs with them.

Why do you not understand that the purpose of a business is to make a profit? Why do you think profit is a bad thing?

Why do you think tax deductions are a “loophole” or some nefarious tactic to reduce a tax burden? Do you understand that it is the IRS that offers/allows tax deductions?

Do you understand that there is a correlation between taxes and deductions? The more the taxes, the more the deductions?

Do you understand that it is you and I that pay the corporate taxes the government levies? Do you understand the more it costs to produce something the more the corporation must charge for that goods or service? Do you understand that unions drive the cost up of goods and services too?

Do you understand that separation of church and state was to keep government out of God, not God out of government?

Did you know that the first legal document written in 1620 which bound our founding fathers together stated the reason for America was for the, “Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith”? (Mayflower Compact)

Please explain to me what you think a “right” is and what “rights” you think you have under the US Constitution?

Please explain to me what you think liberty is?

Do you understand that true justice is truly blind, but also deaf to your desires? Do you understand that justice is not revenge, but righteousness?

Bill Hitchcock

Saturday, December 2, 2017

There Is No Point In Engaging

There is no point in engaging the left in any meaningful dialogue. Why? Because they can not engage in any meaningful dialogue.

Take for example this tweet from Jim Carrey from November 29. Carrey tweets, “The GOP and WH have become sinister conclaves of souless traitors, liars and thieves - a gangrene we must remove so democracy can live.”

The only response to something like this is a no-response because Carrey’s tweet contains no substance, no meat, no bone, just rancid, putrid, fat. There is no intellect or sensibility in which to engage in with Mr. Carrey.

Or how about this article written by Evan Hurst, also from November 29.
 “Go F*** Yourself, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, You Debased Redneck Motherf****er”
Yes, the above sputum is the actual headline of a real and published article, (except I inserted the “*” in appropriate places.)

Last summer the Huffington Post published, then retracted a story written by Jason Fuller that called for not the impeachment of President Trump, but for the execution of him. Yes, you read that right. And how was this criminal act justified? The Huffington Post and Fuller believed that murdering the president was necessary “to fully restore the moral compass of the U.S.”

Let that sick logic sink in. Fuller and the Huffington Post wanted to murder the president so we could restore America’s moral compass. Wow!

As I said before, there is no intellect or sensibility in which to engage the left, and might I add morality to the mix as well. Anger is the captain of their substantively empty ship.

To put it plainly as possible, the Left has nothing but emotion. More to the point, the Left has nothing but anger. The only thing that differentiates and segregates those on the left are degrees of anger and degrees of control over it.

I make it a personal rule to only engage in someone’s intellect and experience and to never engage with their anger or raw emotions. This of course leaves me conversation-less with liberals.

More than anything I would love to discuss ideology, philosophy and the politics of man and nature. I know I have history on my side. I also know that I am on the side of God, the creator and originator of all things. I can’t lose, only be divinely corrected.

Play the game to win. The devil knows that he has lost on the playing field of truth, liberty and freedom, so he doesn’t bother going there. But the devil knows he can entrap and entangle each of us in a web of emotion. That’s the devil’s stomping grounds.

Do not engage in someone’s anger or emotion. If there is no meat in which to bite into, simply walk away.

“Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away. For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence. But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings” (Proverbs 4:14-20).

Bill Hitchcock

Friday, December 1, 2017

What Would You Do?

A black man owns a corner grocery store. This black man hates all white people and bans them from his store. What would you do? Would you get offended? Picket his establish? Sue him? Get state and federal government involved?

Politically, legally and socially I would do nothing. It’s his store. In my opinion he is entitled to own and operate his store as he sees fit. In fact, I might even thank the man for his honesty, for it kept me, a white man, out of a place I was not welcomed. The marketplace will dictate the fate of the black store owner and his enterprise.

I would pray for him. Hatred in any form such as racism, bigotry, prejudices, etc., are not attributes of God so therefore should not be attributes of any man. I would pray for God’s light to shine on such a dark soul.

If I needed a heart transplant, I would request the store owner’s heart when he died. Obviously he doesn’t use it so his heart should be in great condition.

The best thing to do (outside of praying for him) would be to lead by example. What Jesus did was a manifestation of who he was. Jesus didn’t practice what he preached. Jesus was what he preached. There was no plurality or dualism with Jesus. His actions were a result of his being. We are to be that too.

This is where man runs into problems. Unlike Jesus, the inner man and the outer man often conflict with each other. The impulse today is to let the carnal man have control. As a result we see protests, riots, physical attacks and acts of brutality upon any thought, practice or moral that is not in line with our own.

It has become justified in today’s society to force a will (and to will a force) over another for the sole reason of disagreement. Brute strength then becomes the determinant of rights and liberty, not God or truth.

Be Jesus. Speak and do nothing but that which comes from God the Father. This means we need to be in God’s word and in His house. To know God means two things. First, it means that we are cognizant of God and acknowledge Him as such. Second, it means we have a developing, growing relationship with Him. The latter cannot be fully realized with a closed Bible standing on the wrong side of the church doors.

Let the black grocery store owner be and do as he sees fit. If you want to see him change, make sure you are in fact that change he needs to be.

Who obtains mercy? Those who are merciful. Who sees God? The pure of heart. Who are the children of God? The peacemakers. Who is blessed? The merciful, pure of heart and the peacemakers.

Stop and think about this for a moment. Have you ever drawn anything closer to you by pushing it away? Nope, not ever, never. All things are repelled by opposing forces. Attacking or confronting this black man in attempt to make him change will do nothing but push him from you and deepen his hatred towards you. Confrontation tends to create allies for the opposition. You may win the legal battle, but you’ve lost the war of truth, justice and liberty. In other words, you’ve lost the Godly battle and you’ve encased this man’s heart in spiritual Hell.

Never force your will. Force doesn’t change, only hardens. Lead by example. One person will read the Bible, but one hundred people will read the Christian. Be the change.

Bill Hitchcock