Saturday, July 28, 2018

Socialism Is An Abject Failure

Single-payer health-care, Free college, Government-mandated wage, and Universal basic income, these socialist government programs have all been implemented to their fullest extent in countries such as Canada, Finland and the United Kingdom. All of these socialist government programs have failed miserably. Venezuela is presently crushed by socialism and has one of the world’s worst economies.

The latest World Competitiveness Rankings came out about a month ago. Guess what country has the best economy in all the world? It is the United States with its free enterprise, capitalist system of government.  

So why do the Democrats continue to push socialism so hard when it has been proven time and time again to be an abject failure? Is there some emotional contagion, a “socialist virus” that has infected and spread throughout the Democratic Party? It certainly appears as if it has. This “socialist virus” has impaired cognitive, emotional and volitional processes and capabilities.

The theory of socialism has been put into practice time and time again and when the money from capitalism runs out, socialism crumbles and falls.

You have your proof. Why do you keep demanding socialism? What is this emotional and irrational need you have for it? If not caused by some virus, then what is the driving force for wanting something that doesn’t work?

The following article gives a few clear and concise examples of the failure called socialism. Everyone, socialist, communist and capitalist alike really needs to read it.

Bill Hitchcock

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