Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Thoughts and Questions About Diversity

1.Diversity in Politics
The Left prioritizes politics and government by diversity. But the question no one has asked is what do they want to be diverse from? They have never defined the standard in which they wish to depart. It’s a rhetorical question in today’s world, I realize that. But if we don’t know what we are to separate from, how will we know what to go to, unless we define it?

2.The Difference Between Left and Right
Let’s look at some examples of what the Left and diversity have produced. Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Rashida Harbi Tlaib, and Kamala Harris.
What the Left sees are African-American, women, homosexual, Muslim, and non-native born. While the Left sees diversity, the Right sees singularity. The Right only sees socialism, that Godless, oppressive, dictatorial government.

Why is diversity good, especially when the standard has never been defined? Why is diversity for diversity sake the best good? Why is it given top priority? How does skin color improve results? How does sexual orientation, country of origin, or gender make things better, faster, bigger? Why is diversity given a higher priority than results? How is diversity a valid qualification? If diversity is the best good, then why isn’t it universally applied (Ex: Sports and entertainment)?  Why is it not considered unjust when diversity for diversity sake supplants talent, ability, qualifications and results?
Giving preference or any type of special consideration to any group or any one solely based on race, creed, color, origin, etc. is nothing but racism, bigotry, and/or prejudice. Take your pick.

4.How does diversity fit into God’s plan?
God is unity. He is also select in that He has a chosen people. The sole unifying cause is His Son, Jesus Christ. Human attributes and characteristics are not qualification into the Kingdom of God, like they are for Liberal Land. God doesn’t care about diversity. He has no quotas to fill. We are unified as children of God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost. Period, end of discussion. We are not diversified into a melting pot of race, creed, color, religions, and do your own thing, whenever you want, to whoever you want. 

There is but one way, one truth, and one light. One, not many, not diverse. One

Bill Hitchcock

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