Monday, July 22, 2019

Our True Wisdom

- “Our true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility, and without reservation, whatever the Holy Scriptures have delivered.”
- John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion

If we were only wise. Instead, we feel the need to question scriptures validity, value, pertinence, and relevance. These things are all branches from the tree of doubt. The devil planted that tree. And he will plant it inside of you if you let him. The devil is counting on you to fertilize the tree of doubt with your growing rebellion towards God.

Worse still, if not more common, we fail to even read Holy Scriptures. At best, maybe we read certain sections of it or use a hit and miss approach when we open the Bible and just read wherever it is we turned to. We read the sections we know, in the parts that are most easily understood. We go through a multitude of versions of the Bible trying to find the easiest one to read. We try so hard to conform the Word of God to our likes and preferences, which always means whatever is the easiest.

We make our decision whether or not there even is a God and pass judgment on His principles and precepts from something we have not even read, much less studied or understood. Our life, who and what we are has been formed and directed by not reading the one thing designed to do just that. God’s word can direct us successfully and happily through life with purpose, meaning, and joy.

Re-read what John Calvin wrote. “Our true wisdom is to embrace with meek docility, and without reservation, whatever the Holy Scriptures have delivered.”

We are to embrace whatever God delivers to us through the Holy Scriptures. Although there is consistency in the message, (for truth can be nothing else but consistent), but its impact and revelatory knowledge revealed to each individual can and will vary.

Calvin is saying don’t fight against scripture, just humbly accept it, without resistance.  You see, resistance and reservation are nothing but rebellion. Rebelling against God never ends well. Actually, that isn’t 100% accurate. Sometimes it does end well for those who rebel. The story of the prodigal son comes to mind. But for things to end well for those who rebel, you’re going to have to go through a bunch of Hell to get there.

The only time God is bad for someone is when that someone is bad. So sit back, relax, and receive God humbly and joyfully.

Bill Hitchcock

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