Saturday, July 27, 2019

Having Doggie Moments

I had a dog, Marvin the Marvelous Midget Mutt that would only chew on two things, clam shells and pine cones. Well, he actually would pluck the pine cone scales one at a time while lying on his back, holding the pine cone with his front paws.


There was a time years ago when my house would go no longer than 3 days without a dog just showing up at my front door. We had an old lab I named Lump, because that pretty much describes his activity level. We had Bob. Bob would answer the telephone. There were other dogs that stayed for varying durations, for one reason or another. But it was never any longer than 3 days before some lost or stray dog would just “appear” at my front door.

Marvin broke the spell. Marvin showed up at my front door the size of my hand, just a tiny puppy. He was trying to chase 2 other dogs.  Marvin lived for 14 years. Very smart and loving. His most favorite foods were bones and finger mullet. He always ate the finger mullet head first, with one eye closed.


Since Marvin, I have had several dogs just show up at my house over the years. One time I saw this little dog make a beeline straight to me at the front door, as if he lived here. I saw him crossing several yards to get to me. A little while later a little old lady driving a big ol' caddy comes driving by calling out for a dog. Yep, I had 'em. But what makes this one so unique is that about 6 months earlier I was in the hospital. It was a semi-private room. The gentleman next to me was an older gentleman. He only spoke about one thing. In over 50 years of marriage, this was the first time he had spent the night away from his wife. I was released from the hospital the next day.

Advance forward 6 months. This puppy dog belonged to the old lady who was married to that gentleman. He died that night after I left.

Now you tell me why that puppy dog jumped out of the old woman's car at the Wachovia Bank Drive-Up window located about ¾’s of a mile from my house and made a beeline straight to me.


Bill Hitchcock
Post Scrip-tum: I know, it’s not weird. It’s God!

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