Monday, July 15, 2019

He Shall Sustain Thee

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." (Psalm 55:22)

"Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee”
The word burden is transliterated from the Hebrew word, “Yehab”. This is the only time in the Bible this word is ever used. The burden that God is asking for isn’t some trouble or turmoil you’re dealing with. It’s a reference to your lot in life. It is your place in this world and your state of being. Who hasn’t been overwhelmed in life and by their life? It’s what causes suicides, drug and alcohol addictions and a host of psychological conditions and problems. Here the Psalmist is saying cast, throw, hurl that burden of life on over to God and be born anew!

When you do this thing, when you cast thy burden upon the Lord, God will sustain you. Most folks understand that God is in the creation business, but don’t quite grasp the fact that God is in the sustaining business too. Whatever God creates it was on purpose, it wasn’t an accident, it is exactly what He wanted, and God’s hand will forever be on His creation, assuring its life as intended.

“he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”

God will never allow the righteous to be moved.

But who are the righteous? We are.

But are we righteous? On our own, no. We are not righteous and can’t be in our present state.

Then how can we be considered righteous? By being justified and vindicated through Jesus Christ. Christ is our covering allowing us to be acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. “We” can’t be righteous. 

But in Christ and through Christ we can.

The righteous will never be moved.

Charles Spurgeon said, “He stands firm who stands in God.”  To be “moved” literally means to jostle, to turn aside. Like a boat being buffeted by wind and sea, but staying afloat, and staying on course. Life has its foul weather days. But the righteous will always see clear to fair-weather days in Christ.  

Bill Hitchcock

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