Monday, July 1, 2019


I’m tired of racism being the only reason for every problem. It’s intellectual laziness, it preys on primitive and primordial emotions and fears, and as everyone knows, is the go-to leverage for political, personal, and financial gain. Racism has grown to such power that anyone who opposes its claim is automatically deemed a racist. Justification for this accusation is not required. People are forced to comply to the charge of racism or suffer its consequences.

The problem with the environment of “everything is racist” is twofold.  First, the actual problem is not being addressed. Second, a new set of problems are created.

For example, a school whose criteria for acceptance is academic achievement, is found not to accept enough black students. Solution? Lower the standards for acceptance. Problem-Qualified students are being turned away to allow room for the unqualified. On the backside, the school is either having a higher drop out rate due to academically challenged students or it graduates a lesser capable student. Ultimately it is society that pays the price.

The real problem is never addressed. In the scenario above, why are Blacks not as qualified to begin with? Is there a problem with their primary or secondary schools? Why not address that? What problems are specific to Black children that has had an adverse effect on their education and ability to learn? Let’s see if an answer can be obtained without pointing at racism. Could it be that Blacks have a greater chance of having a single parent family? Is it income related? Is it cultural? What is the actual problem(s)?

The goal is not to offend, the goal is to win! If Blacks have a particular set of problems that are disproportionate with the rest of society, then let’s discover what the real problems are. Automatically blaming racism is lazy, easy, plays on emotions, fears, and anger and will benefit those playing the system and not the persons in need.

Bill Hitchcock

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