Monday, March 18, 2019

The God of Hope

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost” (Romans 15:13).

Just kind of stop and think about this for a moment. God is the God of hope, which means hope does not originate with us. Hope originates with Him; therefore, hope is a gift of grace to us and for us from God. There is no hope if there is no God.

God, via the Holy Ghost fills us with joy, peace, and the ability to believe so that we can be abundantly filled in hope. The building blocks, the “secret sauce” as it were to hope are joy, peace and belief. These things are the effects of hope. These benefits would more than suffice and would be due cause to hope if they were all there was to hope.

But our hope is also the cause which produces another effect. To have hope in God means we are in a relationship with God. There is no hope without relationship. Hope is interactive, and made possible by the Holy Ghost when it mingles with our spirit.

God is perfect and righteous. We are neither. God cannot intermingle with the unholy and unrighteous. But Jesus the mediator and His Holy Ghost can. You can’t get more personal than Christ on the cross or the Holy Spirit interceding with our spirit. This what God does for us.

Our hope is in God and in the promise of God. Hope is the first step into faith, which is the foundation of everything.

Bill Hitchcock

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