Republicans, Democrats and Black America
Republicans mean well, think well and intend well, but tend to fumble the ball when it comes to relating well.
To one extent or another Republicans are uncomfortable with Black America. Republicans know, understand and believe that all men are created equal. Republicans will fight to ensure that principle, philosophy, and practice is carried out for all. But for some reason, Republicans tend not to understand how to relate with anyone, not like themselves.
It isn’t bigotry. It isn’t racism. It is a lot like being British. A proper Brit has a difficult time with anything or anyone who is not a proper Brit. This is the opinion of an S.O.B. (Son Of a Brit)
I wish I had an answer. The Republican Party is the greatest ally Black America has. This is a historical fact. But Republicans do not know how to relate on a personal level. Democrats have portrayed this inability as bigotry and racism. Not only is this not true of the Republican Party, but Republicans also do not know how to respond to these lies and aspersions. Consequently, these lies have stuck and the Democrats, the true party of hatred, division, and envy have gained a tremendous foothold in the Black sector.
So how do they solve this problem? Republicans want the best for all because the way this country is designed, the better off a free citizen, the better off this free country. Disadvantaging anyone disadvantages everyone. Targeting any particular group so as to do them harm is not only biblically, morally and ethically wrong, it is also financially ruinous and political hara-kiri.
So how do we solve the problem of Republicans and their inability to relate? The first, best and most effective step would be to flush the Democrats notion that Republicans are nothing but bigots and racist and phobics. Push these engineered lies aside and start to work on your interpersonal relationship skills.
Republicans need to own up to the fact that they are inept at relating beyond a diplomatic level. They need to understand that it’s OK to be white or rich. That doesn’t mean you are the bad guy. It’s OK not to be Black or not to completely understand the Black experience. Guess what. Blacks do not completely understand the white experience. The misconceptions on both sides are a primary cause for our problems.
Most importantly, what makes a Republican is their ideas, ideals and philosophy. Those things know no skin color or gender.
The underlying political philosophy is that all men are created equal. And for you feminist out there, men or man in this context means a human being or all of mankind. The Old Testament makes a clear distinction with the original Hebrew word, “Adam” which was transliterated into English as a man, meaning all.
Everyone needs to own up to not only their race and gender but to themselves. Hatred and envy are the roots to racism and genderism. That hate is flush with all concerned. Here’s the thing about hatred. It’s either original or it’s retaliatory. Hatred strikes the innocent. The innocent become enraged and strikes the hater. The hater, in turn, accuses the formerly innocent and the process expands from there. Now everyone hates.
The common denominator that binds us all together is that we are all Americans. We should relate to that, the highest level. When we deviate from being an American first, we might as well all meet at the NATO table and play by NATO rules and turn ourselves into Europe with its 50 individual, divided and unique countries instead of the United States of America with its united 50 states.
The United States of America is codified. We are not the wild, wild, west where anything you say, goes. We have become a country of creationist. Anyone can create their own version of America, their own version of reality, their own politics, their own sex, their own religion, their own health care professional, and everyone else is supposed to play along and support you or else be accused of being a bigot or a racist or some phobic.
Nope. There is one truth, justice, righteousness, and equity that adds up to the American way of life. If we will return to that, then we will solve our social justice problems and all the other engineered, pre-fabricated nonsense that exists today. All of that silliness will cease and desist.
Republicans, learn how to relate. Democrats, learn how not to hate. Everyone, become an American again. For a primer lesson read the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. For a more in-depth study, try reading US history. And finally, read the Bible. It’s the cornerstone of it all.
Bill Hitchcock
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