Monday, March 25, 2019

Justice Has Been Redefined

The results of the President Trump/Russian Collusion investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the latest example of just how justice no longer means what it used to, or what it is supposed to. In today’s world, justice means getting the result you want, regardless of fact, or anything for that matter.

Justice, in the social justice, politically correct world we live in has nothing to do with what is just and right, and everything to do with satisfying a lust and desire. A person or group want a specific outcome. Anything but that outcome will be deemed unjust.

Legal recourse is usually not an option because the just decision was arrived via a just process. So, the unjust group who desire an injustice will attempt to discount and discredit the process and the people involved in it. The unjust group will try to take matters into their own hands. They usually promote and advocate violence and the threat of violence. Accusations of bigotry, racism, and what not runs rampant.

The Russian collusion decision is just the latest example of the Left redefining what justice means.
But here’s something to keep in mind.

In the Old Testament (OT) justice is defined as righteousness. Justice in the OT is almost always associated with process, or judgment. Justice is blind to the "who" or "what". Its focus is on the "how" of the process of judgment. Something is just when righteousness prevails.

In the New Testament, you won’t find the word justice anywhere! Why? Because Jesus Christ came with grace and mercy.

To all the social justice warriors that are ready to storm the castle over the Robert Mueller decision, you might want to contemplate true justice. It will lead you to righteousness, not lust and desire. The final destination will bring you to grace and mercy.

Bill Hitchcock

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