Monday, November 26, 2018

Tip Of The Spear
Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is the tip of the Leftist spear. She is the ice breaker. The chance of her or her radically Leftist, Socialist plans (Like her New Green Deal) coming into fruition are slim. But a touchdown isn’t her purpose. Introducing the play and making it palatable to enough people is her function.
For example, socialized medicine in the US didn’t happen overnight. What is known as "Obamacare" was many decades in the making. Anyone remember newly elected President Bill Clinton instantly putting Hillary in charge of getting socialized medicine back in 1993? Or Reagan, back in 1961 making an LP that warns us about the Left’s attempt at Socialized medicine?
These radical, Leftist, Socialist ideas are not born of Alexandria Occasional-Cortex. She doesn’t even understand a lot of what she is proposing. Occasional-Cortex is a prop, and is being fed the agenda, mission, and words to say.

Over the years she will get better at what she is doing. It’s OJT right now. (That’s On the Job Training). Yep, New York elected a student. She isn’t a dolt as many portray her. No Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is a face the Left likes, the image the Left likes and most importantly, someone with a record/play mind that the Left requires to advance Socialism forward.
Bill Hitchcock

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