Friday, November 9, 2018

A New Species

A new species of animal has been discovered! The remains of a 200-million-year-old Ichthyosaus have been discovered along the south coast of England. The BBC is doing a TV special about it.

Once again, this proves that man and his science (temporal knowledge) is in a constant state of flux. It always has been and it always will be. By definition of science it has to be. Man’s knowledge of things is temporary, his knowledge is transitional.

For man to plant a flag and proclaim, “This is so” is nothing more than a display of his ignorance and arrogance. Just lookback 100 years at all the things that were believed to be true, scientifically accepted as fact which today we know to be pure bunk. Anyone remember the great worldwide panic over global cooling and the eminent threat of the new ice age back in the 1970’s?

To see the inherent problems of scientific “truth”, you just have understand what science is.
“Science is a framework for interpreting, systematizing, and predicting nature based on empirical observations.” Inna Vishik, P.h.D. Applied Physics & Physics, Stanford University.

Science is gathering observed data, interpreting it (introduced bias?), and then making predictions (prophesy?) of the future based on what you have gathered, studied and measured today.

Science would be more dependable if it had access to all data minus bias. But it doesn’t, it won’t, it can’t.

There will always be a new discovery made, a new species found, a new principle uncovered. Nothing in man’s world or man’s science is set in stone.

By the way, you’re getting conned when someone begs for money now so his science will be proven it works 100 years from now.

There is only one constant, one reality, one unchangeable, immutable truth. There is only one fact that has withstood the test of man and time, it is God and His word. If you are going to expend your energies anywhere, expend them with the Lord.

The problem with man and his science is that you’ll be, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).

The benefit of God inspired scripture is that it is, “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

In fact, “godliness is profitable unto all things” (1 Timothy 4:8). Did you catch that? ALL things, even unto science itself!

In man’s world, the only constant is change. In the universe, the constant is God.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8)

Bill Hitchcock

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