Saturday, November 3, 2018

Freedom From Religion or Forced To Another Religion?

Since 1978 The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) has been successful at eradicating Christianity from the public square. FFRF, usually targeting small towns, communities and municipalities around the country, has sued to remove prayer, Christian invocations and any mention of Jesus, removal of the Ten Commandments, removal of the Christian cross in cemeteries, banned Bibles and Bible study ,and in general FFRF has mandated, restricted and prohibited local communities Christian practices that are of not only religious significance, but of historic and traditional value.

In the FFRF mission statement, this anti-God, pro-government activist organization proclaim that they, “promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism”.

I have some questions for FFRF. If separation of church and state is your mission, then why is it that you only get involved when it is the Church’s involvement in government, but never fight to get government involvement out of the Church?

Separation of church and state puts a wall between the two. The wall should block both sides completely and equally, not just stop one from the other.

Why then FFRF, do you only get involved when you perceive that the Church is climbing over the wall to get to government, but are completely silent when the government crawls over the wall and infiltrates the Church?

FFRF targets, “American cities for expressing religious ideas in public.” (CBN News). Those “religious ideas” happen to always be Christian. No other religion, including Islam and the Muslim faith have been attacked by this religious terror group.

What is happening is that the FFRF is attempting to eradicate one religion, Christianity and supplant it with their own religion. The mission statement clearly states that FFRF is, “to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism”. Nontheism is a religion. The religion of FFRF is Nontheism.

By their actions of the past 40 years, FFRF has proven that their purpose is to eradicate Christian beliefs and practices in the public square. They have sued local cities, towns and municipalities, causing them to terminate their Christian beliefs, practices and to literally shut up the Christian.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation is not trying to stop religion. They are trying to eradicate Christianity by secularizing it through government intrusion and the Godless religion of Nontheism.

Bill Hitchcock

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