Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Let The Word

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Colossians 3:16)

But, but, but……………..we’re not supposed to judge each other. We are to just say nice things so we don’t offend anyone!!!

1. First and foremost it must be the word of God, not your word, not my word, not the word of your favorite social justice warrior, cartoon character or rock star. It must be God’s word.

2. This word must dwell in you, as in the word is part of you and parcel to your essence, existence and being. The word can’t be a fifth wheel. It must become your nature.

3. The word of Christ must be of benefit and proper usage, producing divine effects and results. This is a display of wisdom in applying and utilizing the word of Christ.

4. We are to teach the word of Christ. This goes beyond a classroom setting and into daily application. The best teaching is through demonstration, which means we must live and be the word of Christ.

5. Admonishing is course correction. You see a brother or sister falter or fallen out of the way. They might not even realize it or know it themselves.  To admonish is to bring to their attention their stumble and then help them back onto the path of righteousness. You can’t do this if you haven’t done steps 1 & 2.

6. Sing. Yes sing. Joy must be let out. It doesn’t have to be a set song or hymn. Let the joy of the Lord out in song! It’s good for you and great for all that are around you! A joyful noise is like a force field that blocks negative from getting in to you. It is also a force of tremendous healing and calming to those who are impacted by it.

7. “with grace in your hearts to the Lord”. Grace, without it we wouldn’t be here. Grace is typically defined as unmerited favor. Grace is favor and righteous ability. Grace is never intended to be held. Grace increases when given. Grace in heart, in your very spirit and soul, empowered and infused by the Lord. This is righteous power that moves mountains and saves lives.

Bill Hitchcock

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