The Workings Of God
You know, sometimes when you pray to God for guidance, the
skies don’t part, a beam of light doesn’t illume your path, and you don’t hear God
say, “Go ye thou thither and beholdest yon hedged holy highway of righteousness
to your predestined and chosen life, oh ye elect child of mine!”
Nope, sometimes you just realize that you’re in the middle
of His answer. You meet someone, the phone rings, you are sent to someplace
new; something happens and by its very nature and essence, you feel or discern
that this is the movement of God. Other times you realize this after it is all
said and done with.
Acts of God rarely if ever happen to the stationary and
static person. God being a forward motion works with those who work and move.
Doing is part of our being and is how we exercise and manifest our faith.
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith
without works is dead also.” (James 2:26)
God is energy and capacity. Apply
those two things to something stationary and all you get is potential. But
apply energy and capacity to something kinetic and look out. The Greek word for
this is “Dynamis” The King James version of the Bible transliterates dynamis as
power, strength, virtue, work, and might. This is what God infuses into His
children that are doing.
God may stop you and cause you to wait for a season. That’s
different. Do as the spirit leads because doing otherwise will not work to your
benefit. God also knows that during times of turmoil doing nothing is the last
thing you’ll want to do. But trust God. He knows what He is doing. Having you
do nothing just may be a test of your faith in God and your resolve in His plan.
“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall
strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14)
You may be at your ropes end. That’s when most folks usually
turn to God, when they have exhausted all their options and don’t know what
else to do. This is when they decide to give God a try.
By the way, have you ever wondered where life’s stumbling
blocks come from? There is no such thing as an occurrence without cause. In
Aristotelian terms, there must always be the prime mover. The only time this
does not apply is with God, for He is the first cause. He has always been the
first mover and creator of everything. If there had been something that caused
God, then that would be the supreme being, the cause, the first mover. If
something, the creator, caused God to be created, that creator would be
God, and not the created God.
This should now put to rest the big bang theory, or at least
explain how it could happen if in fact it did happen.
Stephen Hawking theorizes that “a tiny speck of matter and
energy began to grow, bringing about the birth of our universe billions of
years ago. However, scientists are intrigued by what was there before the
“explosion” when there was supposed to be nothing.
“There was nothing around before the Big, Big Bang,” Hawking
said.” H/T Press Trust of India, New York
To quote from a Billy Preston song from some 45 years ago,
“Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'”.
Something had to be in existence prior to the big bang to
cause the big bang to occur. The materials/substance had to be and the energy
to form and to cause it had to be. Hawking has no answer for this. We know that
God pre-exists everything. He is from everlasting to everlasting. If the big
bang occurred, it was caused by the prime mover and creator of all things, God.
It was God that created the material substances for the big bang and it was God
that supplied the power and energy that caused it to happen.
All of that to say what happens in life is not one big
random, catch as catch can moment. Man attempts to explain what he cannot
understand by attributing things to random acts. But because we can’t
comprehend life, doesn’t mean there is no purpose to it. God made it very clear
at the end of Romans Chapter 11 that His ways are not our ways and that things
are just simply above our capability to understand and always will be while we
exist on this earth.
God works in favor and benefit of His children. He wants us
to prosper and to live! The road we travel and all the potholes and bumps along
the way are intended for our benefit and growth. God’s guidance isn’t always
felt or known. But sometimes we realize that God is at that very moment involved
in our lives and presently guiding us by His hand. This are wonderful moments
of revelation to be cherished and told.
Personal experiences testified of God will excite the spirit
of every listener and does nothing but glorify God.
Bill Hitchcock
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