Thursday, October 3, 2019

In Essentials

"In essentials, unity; in differences, liberty; in all things, charity." 
(Philipp Melanchthon)

That is an oh so powerful statement by Melanchthon, and very timely too.

What could be more essential than God and His will? As a child of God, are we not to have fellowship with one another? Are we not to unify? Is not our form and substance so changed that unification is essential and literally the assemblage of the body of Christ, in Christ?

Liberty in our differences. The liberty to have differences.

And the love of God in everything we do, which comes as a natural outflow from the assembled body of Christ.

Hello today. Are you listening?

Philipp Melanchthon was a 16th century Protestant Reformer, and among other things, a collaborator with Martin Luther.

Bill Hitchcock

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