Saturday, September 21, 2019

It's A Simple Equation

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
(Romans 6:23)

You earn wages. You must work for them. Think about that for a moment. It takes effort, will, and intent to sin. And whether you like it or not, that salary is always paid in full, overtime too! And since the wage is so high (eternal death and damnation) the devil made sure that the work of sin was extremely fun, extremely pleasurable, or filled some extreme need, lust, or desire.

The original sin that’s within fallen man is attracted to the activity of sin, but is deaf, dumb, and blind to its consequences. Original sin can’t see past right now and given the choice to act on sin or not, the original sin in man will always choose to act.

Eternal life isn’t a wage paid. We can’t earn it. There is no work or deed that makes God owe us eternal life. It is a gift, freely given to God’s elect. The only decision we must make is whether to accept this free gift of Jesus Christ or not.

Bill Hitchcock

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