Monday, September 2, 2019

Free will, a misnomer or misunderstanding

We do not have free will. If you believe in original sin then you understand that free will is impossible. Man is stained with sin, burden by it, more to the point, influenced by it. It’s been termed the noetic effects of sin, which is the effect sin has on us that we are not consciously aware of. Man’s nature was altered after the fall. Purity in righteousness is not our being anymore. It is impossible for man to be righteous on his own accord. Sin is inevitable.

We do have free will to sin, but not to do righteousness. Nothing stops man from sinning. But sin itself will stop man from righteousness.

There is only one way to righteousness and that’s the blood covering of Jesus Christ. He is our righteousness. It is only through Jesus that we are made acceptable in the eyes of the Lord.
It is the only way.

Bill Hitchcock

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