If God was A Good God Then Why Does He Allow……..
“Jesus Christ bore our punishment, and God will never
require at my hands the fulfillment of that law which Christ has honoured in my
stead; for then would there be injustice in heaven: and that be far from God.
It is no more possible for a pardoned man to be lost than for Christ to be
lost, because Christ is the sinners surety.” (Charles Spurgeon)
It’s an interesting question people ask. “If God was a good
God, then how come he allows, “X” bad thing to happen?
Wrong question. A better question to ask is why did man sin
when he was living in the perfect environment? Why did he sin when he had a loving
relationship and open communion with God himself? Why did man rebel?
Man didn’t fall, he jumped, willingly, of his volition. God
didn’t push him, tease, him, or tempt him.
Man created the environment we live in now, so why blame
God? As by one man, sin. God sent one man to save, Jesus Christ.
If you want to be saved and out of this environment that we’re
in, then there is only one way, Jesus Christ.
Will everything be perfect, now? If you’re asking if we will
have Eden on earth, then the answer is no.
Will we go to heaven? Yes. For how long? From everlasting to
everlasting, which by the way, is a bit longer than the 80-90 years we’ll spend
on earth.
Well, why do we have to go through this earthly experience
if we are saved? There are many reasons why, and one of them rests in the word
you mentioned, “if”. Read your New Testament closely. That word “if” appears a
lot in regard to our salvation.
Here’s a good example. Pay close attention to Paul’s use of
the word, “if”.
“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I
preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which
also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye
have believed in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:1-2)
Time tells the heart and spirit. So does pressure. Are we
really saved? Do we walk the walk? Are we saved in heart or in mouth only? The
earthly experience teaches and proves us. It is necessary.
Bill Hitchcock
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