The Left Is Increasing It's Target From Top 1% To The Top 20%
Lookout for the left’s attempt to expand the hatred towards the country’s
top 1% income earners to include the top 20% earners. Why the hatred? To justify the left’s desire
to levy greater and unfair taxes on more income producers so as to be able to
pay for their socialist agenda.
The NYT tipped their hand last month. Give me a few days to
expand upon it.
I warned a few weeks ago of the left’s usage of the words "nationalist" and "nationalism" as a bigotry wedge. It has already come into fruition.
Expanding class
envy from the top 1% income producers to the top 20% income producers will be
one of many steps the Democratic Party and the left will be taking in an
attempt to have socialism overtake our Republic.
Again, give me a few days to expand upon it.
Bill Hitchcock
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