Just watch. The latest dirty word the left is going to try to paint the right with is, “nationalism”. It will be portrayed as bigotry, egotism and promoted as a threat. The Left will claim that “You can’t be part of the global community if you believe in nationalism!” The Left will even try to compare nationalism with Hitler (They really mean Nazism, but don’t confuse them.)
Nationalism by definition is a, “patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.” Am I a nationalist? You better believe it. I love this country. So does the world! Notice how the world is trying to migrate to America, but next to no one is migrating from America to other places around the world.
America is the place to be. Why?
To be an American nationalist, one must have patriotic feelings towards the USA, its principles and efforts. Notice that nowhere in that definition is there any mention of birthright, place of origin, skin colour, sex, etc. This is what separates America and Americans from the rest of the world. America is an idea, a set of precepts and principles, a belief in a higher power and that through this higher power, good, and we as a nation, will prevail.
The basic beliefs, wants and will of American nationalism were so aptly defined in our Constitution.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
This purpose is our identity and it is the draw that calls others from foreign lands. Nationalism, our purpose, is the one, singular, and unifying element of America and American nationalism.
When the Left points a furious, trembling, accusatorial finger at you and shouts “Nationalist!”, just turn, smile and say, “Yes, yes I am! Thank you for saying so!”
Bill Hitchcock
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