Friday, June 29, 2018

The Leftist Quiver

When the left fails in the arena of ideas, precept or principle they resort to violence, (or the threat of violence), the judicial system, pacifism or appeasement. This is everything in their quiver.

The leftist ideal never stands on principle or precept because it can’t. Leftist ideas crumble because they can’t take the weight of reality and truth. Some other support system must sustain them. For example socialism, the great leftist dream society. Reality and truth crushes socialism every time. It doesn’t work. So the leftist solution is to unfairly tax and govern groups of people of their choosing so as to feed and support their political idea. Socialism never evolves, it is forced. Socialism never maintains or sustains itself, it takes what it wants, when it wants and has a standing army to enforce its actions.

It is mandatory that socialism to have a standing army and a secret police, otherwise it would soon crumble and fall.

When the tables are turned, the leftist resort to pacifism or appeasement. Iran is a prime example. Obama gave them $150 billion in cash (on pallets none the less) and prizes. Bill Clinton did the same with North Korea, allowing them to become a nuclear powerhouse.

Gay marriage is a good example of how the left utilized the judicial system to force their ideas on the American people. Over 30 states put gay marriage on the ballot and allowed the citizens to vote on whether or not to allow it. Every state, including California voted NO to gay marriage. It took the left through the court system to change the will of the people to allow gay marriage.

The left cannot win in the arena of ideas, precept or principle. They must resort to violence, the threat of violence, the judicial system, pacifism or appeasement.

In my opinion true leftism is sin. Why? Well, let’s judge the tree by its fruit. Leftist advocate rebellion, violence, hate, racism, abortion, homosexuality and gay marriage, choose government over God, in fact in the leftist utopia the one true God does not exist.

Need I continue?

The left blew past the boiling point after the last presidential election. We’ve seen the lid rattling on the pot, but haven’t seen the full, rolling boiling water yet. My fear is that the left is about to get violent, physically violent and this is going to happen sooner rather than later.

Bill Hitchcock

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