Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Problem With Term Limits

US Senator Ted Cruz recently introduced a term limit bill that would restrict Senators to two terms and House Reps. to just three. But there’s one chink in the armor, the Achilles' heel if you will, with thinking term limits will bring about nothing but good.

The most dangerous politician is the one who knows he will not be returning. He is not under the microscope of re-election and doesn’t have to please, appease or satisfy anyone. This person pretty much has free reign of the hen house. It doesn’t matter if he breaks a few eggs or turns the coop upside down. They are a short timer with nothing to lose. If term limits were put into place, then every 6 years the House and every 12 years the Senate would have a bunch of loose cannons roaming the halls of Congress, doing as the so please to whom it pleases to do it to.

Now imagine 2, 3, 4 or more, let’s say, US Senators from the same party find themselves in the position of un-re-electability. Imagine the havoc they could wreak.  

Anyone seeking re-election will mind their P’s & Q’s. The un-re-electable will throw caution to the wind and go out with a bang.

Bill Hitchcock

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