Monday, February 11, 2019

Moral Authority

The Leftist sect once again shows its hand as a creature above us mere mortal humans. Former Vice President and probable presidential candidate Joe Biden recently dismissed fellow Democrat, Virginia Governor Northam, as losing “all moral authority”

“There is no place for racism in America. Governor Northam has lost all moral authority and should resign immediately, Justin Fairfax is the leader Virginia needs now.”
- Tweet by Joe Biden

What “moral authority”? No one has moral authority over another in any form, fashion or context. How can someone have power and dominion (authority) in regards to morals over other human beings? What royal scepter of moral superiority do the left proclaim to possess? And why does Joe Biden think that he has the power and authority to step in and dictate/mandate the morality and actions of another?

The point of points is that all morality comes from God and none from man. All morality is rooted and founded in the Ten Commandments. Joe Biden’s far out idea that authority 1. Comes from man and that 2. Someone has superiority and control over others with this morality is simply outrageous.

The disaster that is Virginia politics right now should drive home one very specific moral point. 

While the Virginia Governor has been found in moral indiscretion and those investigating him are being discovered to have sinned the same sin, we cannot judge another of a sin that we ourself are embroiled in. Now would be a good time to re-examine one of Christ’s message from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount.

“For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?”
(Matthew 7:2-4).

If you are going to judge another of a sin you yourself possess, you better repent of that sin first and wash clean of it before you proceed with your “help” with another. A useful sinner to other sinners of similar ilk is a reformed, recovered and repentant sinner. No one can minister better!

Virginia’s Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General as well as the Democratic Party are all investigating each other and attempting to replace each other of crimes each have been involved with themselves.

Joe Biden, the only moral authority anyone could possibly possess would be a vain and false facade of morality, made authoritative only through the guilty allowing their guilt to overtake and rule them. Jesus called these people of “moral authority” hypocrites. Their power is derived by the guilt they inspire, provoke and incite in others. Where no guilt exists, there is no moral authority for the hypocrite. Jesus saw through the façade of these types. Moral authority is a mask. The only true moral authority is the word of God. 

Joe Biden’s idea that the Virginia Governor “has lost all moral authority” is nothing more than a card reveal. Biden tipped his cards so we can see what he and the Left really believe. It is a disturbing reality that the left believes they hold moral and intellectual superiority over the rest of the world. This is why Trump, the middle class and heartland USA are so confusing and aggravating to the Leftist sect.

Moral authority is of God. Man can’t lose it because we never possessed it. We can demonstrate our love towards God by being obedient to God’s will and way. That’s morality and its author and authority are God.

Bill Hitchcock 

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