Harbingers and Heralds of the Lord
Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance.” (Psalm 89:14-15)
How grand! God’s mercy and truth go before His justice and judgment. Happy we should all be that judgment and justice don’t lead. Imagine standing at the great white throne of judgment and the Book of Life being opened without first the mercy and truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Mercy and truth-Without truth, we would never know or understand why we needed God’s mercy or that mercy is an unwarranted, unmerited gift of God.
And yet, after all of His mercy, truth, justice and judgment, what do the children of God do? Sit? Retire? Lounge? No, we walk “in” the light of His countenance. There’s so much here. We know to walk in His light of mercy, truth, justice and judgment. We chose it! It inspires and motivates us because God’s light excites our spirit. Finally mind, body, spirit, and soul are all one in concert! The excited spirit activates the body. We must move and move in His light! God is forward progress and we are joined in it once we know His joyful sound and walk in the light of His countenance!
- Bill Hitchcock
- Bill Hitchcock
“Truth requires righteousness; mercy calls for peace.”
– Adam Clarke
– Adam Clarke
Justice and judgment are the, “basis of the divine government, the sphere within which his sovereignty moves. God as a sovereign is never unjust or unwise. He is too holy to be unrighteous, too wise to be mistaken; this is constant matter for joy to the upright in heart…..Mercy and truth shall go before thy face. They are the harbingers and heralds of the Lord”
- Charles Spurgeon
- Charles Spurgeon
“These encomiums serve more effectually to confirm the hope of true believers than if the Divine power alone had been presented to our view. Whenever mention is made of God, it behoves us to apply our minds principally to those attributes of his nature which are specially fitted for establishing our faith, that we may not lose ourselves by vainly indulging in subtile speculations, by which foolish men, although they may minister to their own mental recreation, make no advances to the right understanding of what God really is.”
– John Calvin
– John Calvin
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