Thursday, June 27, 2019

Without God I Am Nothing

Without: Not in the presence of
God: The singular and sole Divine
I am: Existence of self
Nothing: Relative to essence but not existence

If I am not in the presence of God, although I exist, I exist only as a void. Bankrupt of humanity. Only in the presence of God do I have substance, essence, and attributes. These give purpose therefore meaning to my existence.

God is light, and I am filled with His light only while in His presence.

Outside of His presence is dark. The dark is a complete void of His light and of all things. It is an infinite abyss of obscurity and unreality.

Presence has nothing to do with location or proximity, and more to do with similitude and frequency, as in being of the same wavelength. Presence is being of like kind. Presence is being an inherent part of God. Presence is being and being is existing in Him.

The dark is the result of being divided then separated from the light which is God. Without God there is nothing. Nothing is the existence outside of God.

Bill Hitchcock

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