Universal and Particular Rights. When The Tail Wags The Dog.
I’m not quite sure where particular rights fit or if they
are even legal. Universal rights apply to everyone. They apply to the entire
body of the governed. Certain universal rights are applicable towards non-citizens.
Rights of a country are only applicable within the boundaries and borders of
that country.
When there are special rights for a particular people, then
you advantage that group with privileges over the majority. Particular rights
segregate that group from the whole. This runs counter to the spirit and intent
of universal rights which apply to all.
Granting one group of people special rights and
considerations grants special privileges that the majority does not have. Whenever
one group of people are given special rights, privileges and considerations
over another group, it generates and perpetuates envy, anger, descent, and
hatred. Class envy is the root of class warfare.
There are no concerns of class with universal rights. All
men are created equal and treated as such.
Particular rights segregate and advantage one small group, a
micro-class. This micro-class self-govern and self-determine not only their
rights, but their own system of justice. The micro-class sets the standard for
right and wrong, determines what is just or not and what
punishment/compensation is warranted. This segregated micro-class rules the
majority, the universal class of people.
Becoming a protected micro-class becomes the goal because it
secures their position, station, and power over the majority.
The tail now wags the dog.
Bill Hitchcock
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