An observation. Physics understands the big bang theory. Physicists
start with the elements and their relationship with each other, and work from
there as their starting point. Physics deals with the material, the tangible,
what is known, and simply put, with what “is”.
Metaphysics looks beyond the physics. It looks for the first
cause, the initial mover, the instigation of creation and its form, substance,
and essence. All of this starts before being, or our knowledge of being.
I reason that metaphysics leads to God. The one true God is
the only explanation as to the first cause of the universe and all of known creation.
Many people think that philosophy opposes God. They think that philosophy is
the intellectual process of confirming secularity. But the first philosophy, Aristotle’s,
“being qua being” draws a straight line to our Lord.
Am I trying to invalidate or discount physics? No, not all.
But things like the big bang theory involve elements and motions that are a result
of a cause. Metaphysics strives to understand the process to the first cause,
which as a Christian I know to always be God.
Bill Hitchcock
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