Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Lord will not forsake his people

“For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.” (1 Samuel 12:20)

God will not leave or reject us because of the magnitude and glory of who He is, His word and promise. But, we have free will and can choose to reject Him and His word. So let’s just stop and think about this for a moment. The only way to dissolve this relationship is if we choose to. But why would we? God has already chosen us, why would we not reciprocate?

The only time we reject God is when we think we are better than God. When pride swells within and we believe that we know better and can do better than Him. It is what happened to Adam and Eve. 

The first sin was not the eating the forbidden fruit. That was the result of the first sin. The first sin in mankind was pride. The cause was pride, the effect was disobeying God’s will. The devil utilized man’s pride to his advantage in persuading Eve and then Eve’s ability to influence Adam.

If Adam and Eve had kept God, and not self, as supreme in their heart they would have never rejected God and His word.

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