Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I stand with Manchester

Here come the “I stand with Manchester” posts. Stop it. Just, stop it. It accomplishes the exact same thing as “I stand with Paris” posts did and the “I stand with Orlando” posts, and so on and so on.
Posting “I stand with…” may make you feel better or give you the illusion of doing something productive, but you’re not.

Stop “standing”. Do something!

Pray for the victims and their families and friends. Pray for guidance from God. Also pray for the ability to face facts. The fact that the cause of all of these tragedies and countless others like 9/11, is Islamic terrorism. It is the spirit of antichrist in action.

Maybe if you stop posting, “I stand with…” and actually took a stand against the Islamic terrorist you could prevent having to stand with the Islamic terrorist victims.

Support those in the fight against Islamic born terrorism. Pray to God for guidance.

I’ll leave you with this. You’re not going to like it, but this is a Holy War. It is not political, racial, or geographical, it is none of that, or anything else for that matter, except this. It is a Holy war charged by the spirit of antichrist. This particular war has been going on for over 1,400 years.

Bill Hitchcock

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