Sunday, May 28, 2017

Hearing By The Word Of God

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

It is most important to understand how we gain faith and belief in God. From this passage, most folks believe that our faith comes by the auditory act of listening to the spoken word. In this case, the passage is designating the origin of the faith as derived, or, “cometh by”, hearing.

But our faith is “by”, or caused by, the word of God, which is the Holy Ghost.

Let me explain. First, we must understand the difference between “cometh by” which is first mentioned in the passage and “by” mentioned later.

“Cometh by” is from the Greek word, transliterated, “ek”. It is designating the point of origin of the subject matter. In this case, the subject matter is our hearing.

“By” comes from the Greek word, transliterated, “dia” which shows cause.

God’s word, in this passage, enters into us through the auditory function of hearing. This act alone is not sufficient to gain faith. If it was, then all we would have to do is read God’s word and anyone within earshot would instantly believe and have faith in God. This, as we all know, does not happen.

The cause of our faith is by the act of the word of God. The word of God is the Holy Spirit working within us.

“So then faith cometh by hearing”, or when we hear God’s word, “and hearing by the word of God”, when the Holy Ghost excites our spirit, opens our eyes and hearts to God the father, then and only then can we receive God into our hearts and gain true faith in Him.

The vehicle for faith is the hearing of God’s word, but not the cause of it. The cause of our faith is the Holy Ghost. Without the Holy Ghost moving on our spirit when God’s word is delivered, then there can be no faith. This explains why two people can hear the exact same message. One person walks away unchanged while the other person being excited by the Holy Ghost and his eyes opened, has absolute faith and belief in God.

“And this is a remarkable passage with regard to the efficacy of preaching; for he testifies, that by it faith is produced. He had indeed before declared, that of itself it is of no avail; but that when it pleases the Lord to work, it becomes the instrument of his power. And indeed the voice of man can by no means penetrate into the soul; and mortal man would be too much exalted, were he said to have the power to regenerate us; the light also of faith is something sublimer than what can be conveyed by man: but all these things are no hindrances, that God should not work effectually through the voice of man, so as to create faith in us through his ministry.” – John Calvin.

God’s word, His plan and promise, brought to life by the Holy Ghost, is how we see, know, understand, believe and have faith in our Lord.

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