Thursday, August 1, 2019

Living In The Spirit

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

This verse explains away the works and deeds mentality. This should clarify for those who believe doing is the pathway to salvation, that the way to gain “God credits” is through works and deeds.
I have explained many times over the years the fallacy of the mindset that by simply doing good things is a way into heaven. The devil does good things too, and does so daily. Is the devil going to heaven? No! Remember, “for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14).

But if we live in the Spirit and that Spirit lives in us, then that Spirit will manifest itself in our daily lives. This is not premeditated, or some thought out plan, scheme, or strategy. There is no intent behind the manifestation of the Spirit, the act of doing, other than paying attention to the welfare and well-being of our fellow man. This concern and attention of others is, by definition, to “love thy neighbor” (Mark 12:31).

“God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does”, Martin Luther

“For as faith, which is a principle in the mind, cannot be discerned but by the effects, that is, good works; he who has no good works has, presumptively, no faith….My works of charity and mercy will show that I have faith; and that it is the living tree, whose root is love to God and man, and whose fruit is the good works here contended for” (Adam Clarke from his commentary on James 2:18)

If we live in the Spirit and the Spirit in us, there will be no way to avoid acts of charity towards our fellow man. They will automatically manifest themselves, joyfully and willingly. You may find yourself searching for ways to serve others or how to “do good works and deeds”, but you won’t be trying to figure out ways to score God credits in an attempt to earn your way into heaven, “for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 18:21).

Bill Hitchcock

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