Monday, August 12, 2019

First You Must Dehumanize

People do not want to hurt, harm, or in any way act adversely towards another person. It’s innate, hardwired in us by God. Our Lord wants us to love our neighbor, to help, serve, and uplift each other. Hate, hurt, and harm are the polar opposites of God’s command.

This is why Socialism must dehumanize its detractors. This is why Hitler and Goebbels portrayed the Jews as rats. This is why the Left attempts to paint the right as racists and bigots. This is why Nazi Germany and today’s Left both have painted the rich and wealthy as evil, as purveyors of ill-gotten goods and wealth, that the way folks get rich is to oppress the working man.

The Left is attempting to dehumanize what it wants to defeat. It then becomes easy to hate what is not considered human and even easier to channel that hatred into action. The Left’s actions become justified because their opponents are subhuman and act accordingly.

Hate is the key ingredient to the Left’s Socialistic takeover. Hate is generated and perpetuated by identifying who and what you want to defeat as being racist, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, with the list of what to hate going on in perpetuity. The easily offended want to be offended so that they can hate. Once someone hates, they now can demean and reduce their opponent to something less than human and attack it, destroy it, and put it away. All of it is justified because after all, they weren’t human, and they were doing non-human things with non-human thoughts.

Philosophically and intellectually, the young, uneducated, being educated, and weak are prime candidates for motivating to hate and to support Socialism. They are the easiest to convince and manipulate.

Economically the poor and disenfranchised are the prime candidates to hate and support Socialism. There is a reason for their economic circumstance to start with and it has to do with self and not society as Socialism preaches. These folks are usually looking for someone to blame (besides self) and Socialism offers them the perfect solution. The poor and disenfranchised see Socialism as a way to not just step up, but a way to strike back at the system they believe has kept them down.

Socialist ply the fields of the philosophically, intellectually, and economically disadvantaged and challenged for their acolytes.

The true Socialist are those in positions of power or desiring to be in positions of power. Socialism is a precursor to Communism by design according to Karl Marx. Under the totalitarian regime of either, there is the upper class of rulers, government officials, the politburo, and the elite. In short, Socialism and Communism have their own upper class, wealthy 1% that controls everything. This is where all money, wealth, and most of all, power is maintained. Positions held are usually lifelong positions. Bernie and Elizabeth know this.

Politicians promoting Socialism want a seat in this upper 1% with all of its power and control, and will do and say anything to you to achieve it.

Socialism and Communism are Godless governments. They have to be to function.

Bill Hitchcock

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