Friday, May 3, 2019

The Reasonable and Intelligent Mind

“...Since the mind, which was meant to be reasonable and intelligent, has, by dark and inveterate vices, become too weak to adhere joyously to His unchangeable light (or even to bear it) until, by gradual renewal and healing, it is made fit for such happiness, its first need was to be instructed by faith and purified.” (Augustine, City of God)

The mind of man that God created was reasonable, intelligent, and righteous. But when sin was introduced, the mind was weakened and altered, unable to grasp (literally and figuratively and to one degree or another) the unchangeable light of God’s righteousness.

The noetic effects of sin are what is produced when we are adversely and unwittingly influenced by sin and unrighteousness. The effect is that our perception and understanding become skewed and tainted. We think we’re fine. In fact, a person under the noetic effects of sin believe they are quite normal, logical, and reasonable. It is not until the Holy Spirit quickens their spirit and reveals the truth by the light of Jesus are they able to truly see and think.

Someone under the influence of the noetic effects of sin have unrighteousness as their governing principle and primary source of action and strength. How they think, what they choose and approve of is all swayed towards darkness. But although they are aware of their thoughts and deeds, they are unaware that it is all coming from a harden heart that is deaf and blind to holiness and righteousness.

The noetic effects of sin is a paradigm shift away from God and righteousness. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit restores the spirit and soul of the person and opens their eyes to truth and reality. This indwelling and restoration of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God, given to His chosen few.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

We were once in opposition to God and didn’t even realize it.  By the free gift of God’s grace are our eyes opened, our lives saved, and our spirit set free.

Bill Hitchcock

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