Thursday, May 31, 2018

My Soul

“Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation” (Psalm 62:1).

There is a lot wrapped up in that one little word, “waiteth”. Elements of confidence, silence, patience, endurance, trust, love, faith and belief all are part and parcel of it.

More importantly, notice what it is that “waiteth”. It’s not the body. It’s the soul.

All too often when we hear of waiting or patience, we think in terms of idly and reluctantly biding our time, suffering time as it slowly drags on. Images of sitting on a hard plastic chair in some waiting room for hours on end comes to mind.

But that’s the flesh thinking. The flesh, by its very nature is impatient and will always try to avoid pain and effort of any kind, even when it’s just waiting.

We are dealing with the soul here, not the body. And we are dealing with a bundle of Godly attributes such as love, faith and trust. This bundle is perfected over time with patience and endurance. All of this is cause for our salvation.

When our soul “waiteth”, (that bundle of Godly attributes and commitments suffered over time), when our soul waiteth upon God, it is clearing the pathway to Him. The cobblestones of the pathway to God are His attributes made manifest in us.

What do you have to “do” to be saved? Have your “soul waiteth upon God”

Bill Hitchcock

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