Saturday, April 7, 2018

Racism Debunked

If a Black man embracing a rebel flag (the Confederate battle flag) walked up to a bunch of Southern, White good ol’ boys, these Caucasians of Dixie would embrace that Black man as one of their own, because he would be.

Currently, there are a couple of videos going around of a Black man supporting gun rights and the 2nd amendment that white folks are applauding and helping to go viral.

If racism, as it is defined here in America as 1) Whites hating Blacks and 2) a systemic and inherent problem within the country, if racism is such a problem, then why would white folks so willingly receive and endorse a Black man on such hotbed topics as shown above?

It’s simple. The left has everyone convinced that it is the messenger (Black man/skin color) that is hated by the White man. It isn’t. It isn’t the messenger, it is the message of the left that is so hated.

Don’t buy into the propaganda, hate and lies that is heating up racial tensions. It isn’t about race (messenger). It has everything to do with the agenda being pushed (the message) and the end game the left is trying to accomplish.

Bill Hitchcock 

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