Monday, April 9, 2018

Good Is The Primary Principle

God is perfect, God is good. He alone can create and only creates like kind. Therefore, God can only create good and never evil as a first kind. There is a only a first good, never a first evil.

Think not of good versus evil in terms of primary principles. There is only good. Adam and Eve were created good, they did evil. The devil himself was created good and later became evil.

The fundamental and primary principle is always good. Evil is a deviation, a perversion, in philosophical terms, an “accident” of that first principle.

“There is then, no single primary and essential principle of evils; rather the first principle of all things is the one first good, in whose effects evil results accidently”. - Thomas Aquinas/Summa Contra Gentiles/Vol. 2/Chapter 41

We were created good. Our original nature is good. Evil for man is two things. A) A deviation from the creation. B) A choice.

“And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day” (Genesis 1:31).

Bill Hitchcock

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