Sunday, December 3, 2017

Please Explain

Please explain to me why you think big business is bad but big government is good?

Please explain to me how rising corporate profits are bad but raising government tax revenues are good?

Please explain to me why you think that a corporation is a closed door monolithic entity controlled by only a few at the top but government is not the same?

Please explain to me your belief that the government has the right to access, regulate and take possession of a private corporations profits for no other reason than the fact the corporation made a profit?

Please explain to me your belief that taxing a corporation simply because you can is for public benefit?

Please explain to me why you think government helps people with the money they tax away from a corporation but a corporation doesn’t help people with the monies they earned?

Please tell me what part you don’t understand about raising corporate taxes, making it fiscally impossible for a corporation to do business in the US and forcing them to move to another country, taking the jobs with them.

Why do you not understand that the purpose of a business is to make a profit? Why do you think profit is a bad thing?

Why do you think tax deductions are a “loophole” or some nefarious tactic to reduce a tax burden? Do you understand that it is the IRS that offers/allows tax deductions?

Do you understand that there is a correlation between taxes and deductions? The more the taxes, the more the deductions?

Do you understand that it is you and I that pay the corporate taxes the government levies? Do you understand the more it costs to produce something the more the corporation must charge for that goods or service? Do you understand that unions drive the cost up of goods and services too?

Do you understand that separation of church and state was to keep government out of God, not God out of government?

Did you know that the first legal document written in 1620 which bound our founding fathers together stated the reason for America was for the, “Glory of God and advancement of the Christian Faith”? (Mayflower Compact)

Please explain to me what you think a “right” is and what “rights” you think you have under the US Constitution?

Please explain to me what you think liberty is?

Do you understand that true justice is truly blind, but also deaf to your desires? Do you understand that justice is not revenge, but righteousness?

Bill Hitchcock

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