Sunday, March 25, 2018

Well-Armed and Readied Christian

“Then said he (Jesus) unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36)

You can’t preach the word if you’re dead. Jesus told His disciples to ready themselves with three things; money, provisions and a means of self-defense. Yes, the first time He sent them into the world He did so without them. It was to teach His disciples the necessity of, and dependency in God.

Jesus was getting ready to go. They didn’t know that. Money, provisions and a sword were temporal things required for the safety and well-being of His disciples. These were things they already understood. But the disciples had to discover faith, belief and obedience in God and have that faith tried fast before Jesus would leave.

These three temporal things were required to keep the disciples alive while they spread the message of the eternal Jesus Christ.

Nothing has changed. We still need money, provisions, means of self-defense and of course, Christ our Lord when we engage this world as disciples of Jesus.

It is lawful and prudent to make the necessary preparations to defend yourself. Jesus commanded the sword. But there are two points that must be understood. First off, Jesus made this command only to tried and true disciples of Christ, not to just anyone. The command to defend yourself with the sword was to people of a Godly spirit, mind and soul. Second, this was for defense, not offense. No one can be safer than with a well-armed and readied Christian.

Don’t be fooled or lulled asleep just because you see no immediate danger to yourself. Open your eyes and look around the world and see the hundreds and the thousands of people that are hunted, persecuted and killed daily for their Christian faith.

A Christian should always be armed with two swords; a temporal sword and the eternal sword of the word of God.

Bill Hitchcock

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