Thursday, February 8, 2018

A Racist On The Hunt For Racism

I am extremely sick of the intolerance, bigotry and all out hatred that is constantly being generated from the leftist. I am tired of the accusatorial finger waving in everyone’s face, except that of the actual bigot and hater, the possessor of the waving accusatorial finger!

Enough of your constant belly aching about racism and discrimination. Stop bellowing about bigotry behind every bush.

Two things you must understand about racism. 1-It always has, and it always will, exist. This includes existing in you, Polly Perfect Finger Flailer. Yes, you! This is a sad reality about our human existence that racism, bigotry, intolerance and hatred have existed since the fall of ‘Adam (mankind). All anyone can do is be aware of racisms’ presence buried within the heart of self (Yes, you!) and make a conscientious effort to rid yourself (Yes, you!) of this hatred. Your job isn’t to find racism in others. Your job is to find this hatred within you. (Yes, you!)

2-Racism isn’t prejudiced. It loves all races! It’s universal! Racism is generated and perpetuated by every race! No one race has a monopoly on racism. You can be Black and a horrible racist. You can be Red or Yellow and be a horrible racist. Whites may get top billing, but this causes us to investigate as to why, especially in light of the fact that we know that racism has no favorites. (By the way, White is not a caste system.)

Sin, which of course includes racism, is like the cold or flu. It doesn’t care who it infects and is spread through human contact and interaction. Unlike the flu, there is no such a thing as a racism vaccination. We are all perpetually susceptible to it. (Yes, you too!)

The battle of racism doesn’t stop. But the battle must begin with you.

A racist on the hunt for racism is the most dangerous person alive. They will kill and destroy everything that isn’t identical to them or doesn’t reflect them. Hitler is a good example. Usually described as a right wing extremist, Hitler typified and epitomized leftist liberalism with his display of racism, hate and bigotry. Anything that didn’t typify the master race idea and ideal was persecuted and eliminated. Just like modern day liberalism. Any variant, any divergent thought, expression or action to the liberal ideal is immediately condemned as racist or bigoted with severe consequences demanded.

Stop and think about this for a moment. If racism is defined as anything dissimilar to you or to your kind, then the normative standard is self. So we can conclude that racism is nothing more than selfishness. This pride consumes everything that doesn’t justify, edify, and magnify its’ self.

I am extremely sick of the intolerance, bigotry and all out hatred that is constantly being generated from the leftist. Look at yourself. Start there. Work on fixing you. Realize that you and your kind are not the gold standard. I highly encourage you to try the Divine standard as your high calling and mark of excellence.

Bill Hitchcock

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