Sunday, November 26, 2017

Constantly Amazed

I am constantly amazed by those who have made their decisions about God, heaven, what is good and bad, sin and righteousness by those who have never read the Bible cover to cover. Is the Bible “required” reading to become a Christian? No, of course not. Besides, requirements are usually a product of man’s religion, not be some Divine edict.

God made it simple with 10 commandments. Jesus stressed the “first commandment”, which was actually a composition of three things. The Apostle Paul made salvation a matter of heart and confession.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say we must read the Bible cover to cover to be saved.

But the Bible, like Jesus and salvation or Satan and sin, is a choice. Your choices define your path. Your path brings you to your destination. God has chosen you and your path. But it isn’t automatic, you must choose.

So, are you going to build your pathway with the righteous gold bricks of God’s word? That’s with all of His word. Or are you going to set your course with the broken branches of bramble that are your thoughts, opinion, and man’s philosophy and sprinkled it with a few golden pebbles of truth here and there?

It’s your choice. Just understand that depending on what you choose will determine where you arrive, heaven or hell.

I am also amazed by those who are angry at the United States and want to change, or rather overthrow our government, who have not read the constitution, declaration of Independence and with virtually, if not literally, zero knowledge of US or world history.

The most belligerent and misguided of our citizens tend to be those that are History and Bible illiterate. Or, they have had somewhat of a deep exposure, just not a very wide one.

Bill Hitchcock

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